17 May 2024

Spring Bank Holiday 27th May

Please be aware that we are closed for the Spring Bank Holiday on Monday 27th May. We resume normal hours on Tuesday 28th. We wish you and your families a good break.

03 April 2024

Patients’ donations raise £75 for Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity

We wanted to thank our patients for their continued support as we have been able to give the Florence Nightingale Hospice £75.

This has only been possible from the donations made by patients for the books in our downstairs waiting room.

Next time you are in for a check-up or treatment please come and have a browse of our lovely selection of books that can be taken away with only a £1 donation.

16 January 2024

Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Tavistock House

The practice at 77 Tring Road, was formerly known simply as “The Dental Practice” and opened its doors as the renamed Tavistock House on Wednesday 19th December 1973.

Tavistock House changed ownership in 2008 and now, 50 years on from the initial name change, thanks to our wonderful patients, we are still here and continue to provide services across the whole spectrum of dentistry (as per the original owners’ vision).

Dentistry has changed a lot over the years -we can diagnose and treat disease that decades ago couldn’t be treated, using techniques and materials that hadn’t even been dreamt of at the time. Management of periodontal disease, implants and cosmetic dentistry were years away when Tavistock House first opened, although we were the first practice in the area to employ a full-time hygienist -unheard of at the time!

The thing that has remained constant is the continued support of our patients -we are treating 3rd and 4th generations of the same families now. We feel it is a real privilege that we are trusted to look after our patients and their families, and we take that responsibility very seriously.

We would like to say a big thank you to all our patients for recommending us to their friends and families, and for entrusting themselves to our care. We will continue to listen and remain self-critical so that we can stay ahead of the game and maintain the best service to our patients.

Tavistock house 1973-2023

10 January 2024

The importance of visiting your hygienist

Most of us understand the importance of regularly visiting our dentist.  However, there’s perhaps less understanding of the role of the dental hygienist.

Happy women receiving hygienist treatment

Tavistock House Dental Practice’s highly experienced hygienists help you look after your teeth by polishing unsightly surface stains and advising you of the best way to look after your teeth and gums.

In addition to advising you about areas you might be missing, they also remove the hard and rough scale deposits (“calculus” or “tartar”) from above and below the gum line.  These scale deposits are harmless if kept clean.  However, the presence of these hard deposits makes cleaning the tooth surface difficult and compromises hygiene efforts at home.  As a result, scale left above and below the gum line can harbour bacteria, causing gum inflammation (gums go red and start to bleed).  If this becomes chronic the bone supporting the tooth can recede and the tooth may eventually become loose or even be lost.  Accumulated bacteria is also a cause of bad breath.

Illustration of normal teeth vs. Periodontitis

Why should I visit a hygienist?

A clean and healthy mouth can help to provide confidence with fresh breath and improved appearance, but most importantly to prevent tooth decay and loss of supporting bone. Your hygienist can dramatically reduce the need for active treatment, whilst ensuring the longevity of fillings and other more complex work.

Our practice has four hygienists who work Monday to Friday including early mornings and some evenings.

You can find out more about the hygienist team here:

You can request a dental or hygienist appointment here:

15 December 2023

Invisalign GO

We are now an “Invisalign GO” practice as Henrietta has now completed her certification to become an Invisalign GO provider.

This is a system which uses clear plastic aligners which focusses on your front teeth and gradually move them into a more aesthetic position.

Using up to 20 aligners, in many cases treatment can be completed in as little as 6 months!

15 November 2023

How to get your teeth whitened safely and effectively

In 2013, for the safety of the general public, the High Court confirmed that only dental professionals may legally carry out tooth whitening, therefore reinforcing the GDC position that tooth whitening is the practice of dentistry and can only safely and legally be offered by registered dental professionals in the case of GDC v Jamous [2013] EWHC 1428. This is regardless of the products used, as any form of prescribed whitening fall under the umbrella of dental treatment and not "merely cosmetic treatment".  Read more here.

You may have recently seen articles in the press regarding numerous prosecutions against unqualified individuals and companies carrying this out illegally and (being without the correct training and knowlege of dental professsionals) potentially dangerously.

There are many risks involved in the unqualified or inexperienced performing whitening such as major damage to the teeth, gums as well as other parts of the mouth, in addition to, allergic reactions, and severe burns.

The good news is that there is no need to take such risks. Tavistock House's professional tooth whitening service is tailored to your personal requirements and is always subject to a prior no-obligation assessment to ensure suitability. This assessment is carried out free of charge to our patients.

Philips Zoom!

Tavistock offers a full-service including Philips Zoom whitening and a customised home-whitening kit, or alternatively a home kit only.  Depending on individual tooth colours different treatments respond better to one or other type of whitening.

Request appointmentMore about tooth whitening

Further reading

More Zoom whitening pictures



01 August 2023

The fuss of floss - is it important and how should it be done?

Most of us understand how important it is to brush twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste, there is more mystery surrounding flossing.

Flossing is a common method of “interdental cleaning” which means cleaning between the teeth.  It helps to remove debris and plaque that can be hard to remove with a regular toothbrush.  An increasingly popular alternative to floss are “interdental brushes” – handheld toothbrushes designed specifically for use between the teeth.

TePe interdental brush and Oral B Glide floss

Tavistock House Dental Practice recommend their adult patients perform interdental cleaning daily.  Recent research has also demonstrated that interdental cleaning before brushing is the best way to clean our teeth effectively.

The study found that flossing loosens bacteria and food debris from between the teeth, which allows brushing to be much more successful at removing plaque.

Dr Nigel Carter OBE, Chief Executive of the Oral Health Foundation, believes the findings of the study illustrate why it is so important to make interdental cleaning part of our daily routine.

Dr Carter says: “While brushing twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste is absolutely essential for a good oral health routine, this study shows that interdental cleaning also has a big part to play when it comes to keeping our teeth and gums healthy.

The Oral Health Foundation’s Guide to Interdental Brushing

Interdental brushes come in a range of different sizes, from as thin as 0.4mm to as thick as 1.5mm. Whichever one you use should fit between your teeth snugly but comfortably; you shouldn’t have to use much force. You may find you need to use a couple of different sizes, but the best way to find out is to ask your dentist or hygienist the next time you have an appointment.

  1. Hold the interdental brush between your thumb and forefinger.
  2. Gently place the brush through the gap between your teeth – don’t force the brush through the gap.
  3. Brush in and out of each space between your teeth.

Light bulbTavistock Top Tip!

Using a small amount of fluoride toothpaste or Corsodyl gel on the Interdental brush and “pre-bending” it will help it glide between your teeth and stop it catching.

If you have any questions or would like assistance looking after your oral health, Tavistock House can help – call us on 01296 481615 or alternatively request an appointment here.

Request appointment

Mazhari F & Boskababy M et al. (2018) The effect of toothbrushing and flossing sequence on interdental plaque reduction and fluoride retention: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Wiley: Journal of Periodontology. 2018 Jul;89(7):824-832

06 July 2023

Top tips for family dental health

It is all too easy to neglect dental health, but as with most things in life – prevention is better than cure.  Teeth help us to consume food, chew, and aid in communication.  A healthy smile is a confident smile, so here Tavistock shares their top tips to avoid oral health problems:

  1. Brush twice daily to prevent decay, gum disease and bad breath. Preferably brush after breakfast and before bedtime, for a full 2 minutes, moving to a different quadrant of the mouth every 30 seconds.
  2. Use a good quality fluoride toothpaste and - if possible - an electric toothbrush.
  3. Change your toothbrush (or the head on your electric brush) every 3 months.
  4. Spit – don’t rinse. This allows the fluoride more time to be effective.
  5. Use floss or the correct sized interdental brush every day.
  6. Visit your dentist every six months and your hygienist every 3-6 months as advised.
  7. Avoid snacking on sugary foods, or try to restrict them to straight after mealtimes.
  8. Pass on good habits: teach your children good oral hygiene as soon as possible, supervise brushing until at least age seven, and get them in to see the dentist as soon as their first tooth appears.

Tavistock can help.  We can show you how best to brush your teeth and give you specific advice on what is best for your personal oral hygiene routine.  Request an appointment now.

We are proud to have been awarded membership of the British Dental Association Good Practice Scheme since 2011 and we are constantly trying to improve the quality and range of services we can provide to our patients.

Mission statement

To provide the highest quality dental care across the whole spectrum of dentistry.

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